While we’re at it, can I just give you another unsolicited piece of advice? Go to Settings & Privacy –> Privacy Checkup –> Your Ad Preferences on Facebook. While we can’t control all the information Facebook has on us, we can tell them how much of it they can use to advertise to us. The reason why Facebook is such a valuable company is because of all the information they have on you that they can use for advertisements.įor example, a company can give Facebook money and say “We want our advertisement to only be shown to married people, under the age of 30, who live in Texas and who vote Democrat”. …but for the sake of your privacy, you need to turn it off! 6. Obviously, they’d rather have this information available to track you… You’ll have to click on “Manage Your Off-Facebook Activity”, then “Manage Future Activity”, then click on the “Manage Future Activity” button, then click the tiny little button to turn it off.Įven then, Facebook will show you a warning saying “Are you sure you want to do this?!?” The clear history button is pretty clear, but the future activity settings is a bit harder. You can also remove any record from your activity log by clicking “remove” icon next to it.In the example above, I’ve already cleared my history (it says “You have no available activity to show at this time”), but chances are you’ll see a lot of information listed here. You can browse your activity log by year, clicking the numbers to the right: You’ll need to scroll past sponsored ads to see the year filter (I couldn’t see it for a wile until I figured that part put) Search through videos you ever watched on Facebook Searches you ever performed using Facebook search box.You can find videos you ever watched on Facebook (Surprisingly, you can find videos you watched on Facebook even if you didn’t like / commented.

If you keep digging, it gets even more awesome… to the point that it’s even scary. Any activity that happened on Facebook through any of the authenticated Facebook apps (This is also useful! This is a good place to go in case you suspect any apps performing any suspicious activity…)įilter your activity log by any word or phrase.
Your activity log is a list of your posts and activity, from today back to the very beginning.įacebook Activity Log is the archive of everything you’ve ever done on Facebook: Firstly, that will ensure you’ll see more of that person.Īnd secondly, and more importantly for this quick-tip article, that will create a searchable archive of everything you liked in your Facebook “Activity Log” Like as many updates that catch your eye as you can. All of it within two or three minutes.Īnd while most of it seems to go away, sometimes when writing an article or trying to remember a fun viral video example for a client campaign, I recall those moments of scrolling and feel desperate about not being able to find it in the massive flood of information. One scroll through Facebook feed shows recent news from the neighborhood, enlightens you of a few facts you were not aware of, inspires you with some quotes gives you a laugh with some funny videos and memes.

We are dealing with so much information these days. I cannot tell you how many times I remembered seeing something on my Facebook feed but failed to find it afterwards.