However, Aya takes him captive and tells him that she is taking him with her so he can witness the eradication of all life before she kills him. Hal plunges into the thick of things and confronts Aya, telling her he knows her “secret” that she couldn’t bring herself to actually murder living beings. Hal asks Salaak, who is coordinating the battle, to call off the attack, but he refuses. The Lanterns attack and battle the Manhunters as Aya prepares for her time travel mission.

This sparks a light bulb in Hal’s head as he quickly realizes that ALL of the star systems that Aya has destroyed have been devoid of life! (There’s hope yet!) Hal examines the star chart of the star systems that Aya has destroyed and Tomar-Re points out that one of them was his sector, but that it was devoid of life. Hal takes this personally, blaming himself for this entire situation, but Tomar-Re tries to comfort him. In a less-than-inspiring speech, Appa Ali Apsa, head of the Guardians of the Universe, says that Aya, powered by the energy of multiple star systems is too powerful for the Green Lantern Corps, yet he deploys them anyway, to attempt to stop her from traveling backwards in time to remake the universe devoid of organic life.
#Ayas red lantern oath full
SPOILER ALERT: This is a full episode recap, so if you want to avoid spoilers, please watch the episode first.